Does Medicare cover a life vest defibrillator?

Does Medicare cover a life vest defibrillator? Generally speaking, if medically necessary, Medicare covers internal and external defibrillators and other heart-related devices that can save lives. There are several different kinds of defibrillation devices. The two major types are automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators (AICDs). What is an automated external defibrillator? …

How to become a licensed Medicare agent in Arizona

How to become a licensed Medicare agent in Arizona We at Insurance Professionals of Arizona are always looking for dedicated, caring, knowledgeable agents to join our team. If you have a passion for helping others, particularly senior citizens, integrity and honesty, you could be a perfect fit to become an agent with our team. Even …

Does Medicare Cover Laser for Neuropathy?

Does Medicare Cover Laser for Neuropathy? If you are someone that is suffering from Neuropathy, you might be wondering about coverage for different treatments. For example, does Medicare cover laser for Neuropathy? Given the tricky ins and outs of Medicare (sometimes Medicare coverage is based on your zip code), it’s always a good idea to …

How Much Will a Pacemaker Cost Without Medicare?

How Much Will a Pacemaker Cost Without Medicare? Those with healthy hearts probably will never wonder, “How much does a pacemaker cost without Medicare?” But for those that need this lifesaving device, this is an all to common thought. Just like many things in the medical world, costs add up quickly. Original Medicare advantage plans …

How Have Population Changes Affected the Medicare Program?

How Have Population Changes Affected the Medicare Program? According to the US Census Bureau, there are roughly 56 million adults aged 65 or older in the US. That’s about 16.5 % of the US population.  It’s been happening for a while–the portion of the population that’s 65 years old or above–has grown. Even so, many …

What Medicare Advantage Plans With Hearing Aid Coverage Is Right For Me?

What Medicare Advantage Plans With Hearing Aid Coverage Is Right For Me? One of the realities that come with getting older is your hearing. The older you get the more it can change and sometimes not for the better. After your hearing begins to deteriorate, you may begin to realize that you may need to …

Is the Rebuilder Covered by Medicare?

Is the Rebuilder Covered by Medicare? You’ve tried everything. Your pain is real and it’s not going away. With every treatment you feel hope, only to be told there isn't anything that can be done for your pain. What are your options? Maybe you have suffered from chronic intractable pain or Peripheral Neuropathy for a …

Is Neurofeedback covered by Medicare?

Is Neurofeedback covered by Medicare? A Short Guide to a Newer Treatment So you've tried everything and now you want to go down a different road. But you keep coming back to the question, "Is neurofeedback covered by Medicare?" The "mainstream" solutions like talk therapy, different medications over the years, and what seems like a …

Does Medicare Cover a Life Vest Defibrillator?

Does Medicare Cover a Life Vest Defibrillator? Many people who use Medicare coverage are at risk for cardiac arrest. That's why, it's important to consider if there is coverage for the equipment that would be most helpful in this difficult situation. If you have asked the question does Medicare cover a life vest defibrillator, keep …